Collecting Personal Information

Requirements for Personal Information

As part of your employment with Columbia Aged Care, you may receive or collect Personal Information about a fellow staff member, a resident, or a family member of a resident.

Has the Personal Information been collected lawfully?

This policy requires that any third parties (such as GPs and/or Hospitals) confirm that any Personal Information they provide to us in respect of another individual has been lawfully obtained and may be provided to us. This confirmation should include an indemnity from the third party in our favour, if the receipt or collection of the Information is found to be unlawful.

If you become aware of information that has been collected unlawfully, you should immediately notify whereby the Privacy Officer will arrange the destruction of the personal information.

Can we obtain consent?

Where the provider of the information is unable to provide us information that we require, we should, where possible, endeavour to obtain the consent of the individual of which the information pertains. 

Do we need the Personal Information to complete the job?

Where we have received Personal Information about a person that we do not need to conduct our job, we should destroy such Personal Information immediately.

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