For Job Seekers

Are you applying to work at Columbia Aged Care? If so, this page is for you!

This page provides information to supplement the 'For Everyone' section of this website. It is intended to provide additional detail relevant to your circumstance.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

We only collect Personal, Credit, Health, Sensitive and Employee Information that is reasonably necessary to assess your job application

This may include:

(collectively referred herein as Personal Information). 

How is your Personal Information Collected?

From You

We will, if reasonable and practicable to do so, collect your Personal Information directly from you

For example, when you:

Information collection may take place face-to-face, through the completion of documents such as administrative forms or electronic forms, by way of emails, telephone calls, surveys, through our websites, through the use of our vendors' websites, or through the use of apps on mobile devices.

From Third Parties

We may collect Personal Information about you, from another individual or organisation, but  we will always ask for your consent first. 

For example:

When collecting Personal Information about you from another individual or organisation, we will endeavour to only collect and hold that information if it was lawfully collected, and when the collector’s disclosure of that information is integral to one of our functions. 

From Publicly Available Sources

We also collect Personal Information from publicly available websites, directories and databases including, but not limited to Google, Twitter and other social media.

Where are your records stored?

Candidate records are stored with our authorised vendors:

The storage of Personal Information through these providers is subject to the Privacy Policies of these entities. 

Do we disclose your Personal Information to other third parties?

No. Other than with your referees and the vendors listed above, we do not have any reason to disclose your Personal Information to any third parties. If the need arose (such as us knowing of an alternate opportunity with another organisation), we would ask for your consent before sharing any of your Personal Information. 

How long do we store your Personal Information?

By default, we will keep your application on file for the purpose of notifying you of any future positions but reserve the right to periodically destroy aging data. 

You may contact us to request deletion or amendment of your Personal Information at any time.  We will consider all requests, having regard to our legal obligations. 

Please contact us immediately if you become aware or have reason to believe there has been any unauthorised use of your Personal Information. 

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