Your Access

How can you access, amend or delete your Personal Information?

We will use all reasonable endeavours to keep your Personal Information accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading. 

Individuals may request access to information held about them. Requests for personal information may be made by the individual concerned, or by another person who is authorised to make a request on their behalf.

However, we reserve the right to refuse access to your Personal Information in extreme circumstances. Such extreme circumstances may occur, for example, where we reasonably believe:

In the event that a refusal to access or correct Personal Information applies, Columbia Aged Care will provide written information regarding the reason for the refusal, avenues available to complain about the refusal and any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

Conditions of Access

In order to verify an individual’s identity and ensure the request is authorised, we may request that an Authority to Release Records Form be completed by the resident or authorised party.

In the event it is not possible to complete an Authority to Release Records Form, other information will be sought in order to establish the requesting individual’s identity.

Upon verification of the request, information will be provided within 30 days.


You may contact us on +61 2 9764 7800 or at to amend any of your personal information that is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, or request that your Personal Information be deleted. We will amend your records as requested within a reasonable period of time, at no cost. Requests to make corrections to our records must be made by the resident or someone who is authorised to make the request on their behalf, e.g. a legal guardian or other authorised person.


If you request that we delete your Personal Information we will consider your request, having regard to our legal obligations. We may refuse to delete your Personal Information however, in such circumstances, we will amend your Personal Information to include reference to the fact that you have asked for the specific Personal Information to be deleted.

Other Options

You will be notified of the relevant avenues available to make a complaint, and you also have the ability to request a statement of the inaccuracy of the Personal Information to appear alongside our records of the Personal Information.

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